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Selectmen's Minutes - November 8, 1994
             Selectmen's Meeting - November 8, 1994

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, Joseph
Frisoli, Chair; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also attending:
Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

I. Opening: Chair Frisoli called meeting to order at 7:35pm. The
warrant and bills signed.  

II. Town Flag discussion: Chair Frisoli reviewed facts to produce
the previously accepted design.  It would be an expensive cost
for the necessary eleven color process to do the three inserts.
Mr. and Mrs. Healey, Hanson residents, are owners of America's
Flag Company in Rockland.  They are offering to produce a three
color flag: gray background, maroon lettering, using Dartmouth
green for shrubbery and the use of gray fringe for the flags to
be flown indoors.  Frisoli explained that the preliminary design
set-up charge and flag for the State House's Hall of Flags would
be paid from private donations and that the monies appropriated
at Town Meeting would fund flags for Selectmen Meeting Room and
possibly other Town buildings. The set-up could also be prepared
with the 175th Anniversary.  Motion 11/8/94.1: move to accept the
redesign of the Town flag concept as presented by America's Flag
Company. Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion
carried 4-0.  Production of the flags takes about 6-8 weeks.  The
sale of the flags by the Healeys would be further discussed at a
175th Committee meeting. Motion 11/8/94.2: move to allow Hanson
flags to be sold by America's Flag Company through their
establishment in Rockland at a price comparable to that sold by
the Town.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion
carried 4-0. The Healeys to forward a written agreement for the
Town's review.

III. Veteran's Agent - Veteran's Day - November 11, 1994: Robert
Arsenault invited the Board and townspeople to participate at a
brief ceremony on Friday, November 11, 1994 to raise a POW Flag
at the Town Hall.  Kuchinski to represent the Board.  Veterans
and Boy Scouts have been invited. Refreshments may be served.

IV. 61A Waiver - Parcel F - UCCC Hawkes Avenue property: Cindy
Long, Assistant Assessor/Appraiser reviewed her written
chronology on this particular piece of property which was
formerly part of Bog 28 and presently assessed at $300,800.  Due
to the tax non-payment history of the site and legal
technicalities, Selectmen are being informed that the Town's
Right of First Refusal under 61A is moot; neither UCCC nor FDIC
has used it for Agriculture for over 6 years, the abutter (Lite
Control) has paid all taxes owed on this property.  Long has
spoken at length to DOR about the situation but does not expect a
confirming letter.  Selectmen are being asked to sign a statement
waiving the Town's rights under 61A as a formality. Motion
11/8/94.3: move to waive the Town's rights under 61A for the
Hawkes Avenue property with said document to be prepared for the
November 29th meeting.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  Nugent stated he has initiated the
Selectmen's 61A policy dated March 7, 1989 in regards to a second
request - 135 acres owned by Philip J. Burne who wishes to
reclassify 61A to 61B.    More information and department
responses should be available for the November 29 meeting.

At 8:08pm Selectman Kuchinski excused to attend a meeting
upstairs on personal business hopeful to return as quickly as
possible to the selectmen's meeting.

V. McCarthy - Request for Taxi license: Because there is
currently no such shuttle transportation available in Hanson,
McCarthy is seeking a taxi license to be operated from 671
Whitman Street.  Application is for three vehicles.  Motion
11/8/94.4: move to approve taxi license for Andrew L. McCarthy.
Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 3-0.

VI. David Marble/ Brockton Cesspool Pumping - request to solicit:
Mr. Marble stated solicitation would not occur on Sunday or
holidays and would not be done after dark.  Chief Berry noted
that the recently passed solicitation procedure not yet approved
therefore not in effect.  Motion 11/8/94.5: move to allow
solicitation for Marble's Brockton Cesspool Pumping business
subject to recommendation of police chief.  Motion made by
Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 3-0.

VII. Chief Berry - Community Policing Grants:  Chief reviewed a
handout with the Board looking for direction.  Deadline to submit
application to grant for 1 or 2 officers is December 31, 1994.
Discussion included fact that this time Town is not required to
retain officers after the grant funding period; percentages,
monies and time frame.  Possibility of waiver of decreasing
Federal share.  General opinion of Board members is to have Chief
pursue grant and a recommendation from the Finance Committee.  
Lieutenant position: Frisoli asked Chief about progress.  Berry
stated process going along very well and hopes to have it off and
running by end of November and be back to the Board with
recommendations in December.  He also said other Chiefs are eager
to assist and that Selectmen could observe if they wish.

VIII. December Meetings: consensus to meet December 6 and 20th.

Kuchinski returned to the meeting at 8:45pm.

IX. Acceptance of Minutes: A short discussion to clarify a few
requested corrections.    Motion 11/8/94.5: move to approve the
Open and Executive Session minutes for September 29, 1994 and
October 25, 1994.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

X. Appointment: OCPC - Area Agency on Aging Advisory Committee:
Motion 11/8/94.6: move to appoint Doris Grindle and Lillian Weeks
to terms on the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Committee - OCPC
which expires September 1, 1995.  Motion made by Kuchinski with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  

XI. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Nugent reported submitting to
CIC to include in planning agenda monies to study the issue of a
second floor addition to the town hall citing no capacity for
large meetings.  Murdoch though idea has merit and would have no
problem authorizing a committee comprising FinCom, CIC and Nugent
to further study matter.  Frisoli noted that the proposed
additional space may be better addressed by building out on first
floor.  He also noted need to reschedule meetings of boards on
the second floor.  Kuchinski concurred citing January 25, 1995
deadline that all meetings be accessible.  Selectmen directed
Nugent to contact department heads for pertinent data on
frequency of meetings and room requirements.  He will also obtain
scheduling alternatives in other accessible buildings.  Flynn
thought process would educate Board as to problems which might be
encountered.  Nugent to bring information to the November 15
meeting.  (2) Highway Surveyor request: harris requesting Water
department employee Tom Pepe be allowed to plow for the Town.   
Motion 11/8/94.7: move to approve exemption for Thomas Pepe, Jr.
under section 20B of the MGL 268 8A to allow him to plow snow for
the Town.  Motion made by Frisoli with second by Flynn.  Motion
carried 4-0.   (3) HALT Committee: Keith Knowles sent letter to
Selectmen requesting one serve on the area HALT committee
partnership.  Their goal is to educate as to alternatives to
alcohol for adult parties.  Selectmen tabled request to the next
meeting in order to look at the materials.   (4) 61A process:
Nugent sent out memo looking for responses by the November 29
meeting and asking if purchase desired then respondee should give
a full report on why and what funding source to be tapped.   (5)
Financial Forecast Sheets: Nugent and Gomez worked together and
report that FY96 should be a tight year even though Town may have
an additional $125,000 to work with.  FinCom would host a meeting
to include Selectmen and Hanson's representatives on the W-H
school committee to discuss upcoming budget needs.   (6) Proposed
School building info meeting: scheduled at school for 4:45pm on
Thursday 11/10/94.  (7) DEP requesting meeting: Nugent reported
request from Larry Dayian of DEP's Water Section for one or two
selectmen to come to DEP for further info on Hanson's water
needs.  Meeting to be arranged for 4:30pm on Tuesday, November 15
which Murdoch and Kuchinski will attend.  (8) Highway Union
requests meeting: date will be set for after Selectmen's strategy
session on November 29th.  Meeting with Police chief will be
rescheduled until after this meeting as well.

XII. Action Requests: (1) Kuchinski noted next meeting of the
175th Committee: next meeting is November 16th at 7:30pm.  (2)
Frisoli wants better understanding of negative variance issue on
budget forecasting sheets.  (3) Frisoli requested meetings start
at 7PM beginning November 15th.  Agreement to try this.   (4) W-H
Panthers are in position to at least tie for the championship of
the Atlantic football division.  Next game 7pm Friday evening.
Cable announced that last week's game against Duxbury will air
tomorrow (7pm) on cable.  Frisoli requests a commendation be
signed at next meeting for possible presentation at next rally.

XIV. Adjournment. Motion 11/8/94.8: move to adjourn.  Motion by
Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned at